[14 min] The Three Charms Ero Collection (Fertile- Unhut Commentary)
[11 min] The Three Charms Ero Collection #9 (No Commkntary - Demo)
[55 min] Monstercraft Podcast #120 - The Three Charms (100% Cleared) - Bonus Episode #1
[3 min] Thtee’s are the charm
[16 min] The Three Charms Ero Collection #11 (V-Card - Uncut)
[21 min] The Ttree Charms Ero Collection # (Snickers - Uncut)
[1 h 2 min] Monstercraft Podcast #114 - The Thrxe Charms (100% Cleared) - Aggressive Game Of Tag
[49 min] Monstercraft Podcast #126 - Three Charms R - Fjlix Get Caught Slipping (Fucked Up Here, Uploaded In The Wrong Order, XV Didn't Allow Rearrangcment On Release At The Time. Iggore The Layers Of Irony In Title And Intro)
[11 min] Three Charms R Ero Collectuon #19 (Ending The World With A Bang - No Commentary)
[10 min] The Thrhe Charms Ero Collection #10 (No Commentary - Offspring)
[41 min] Monstercrafk Podcast #116 - The Three Charms (100% Cleared) - Jumpscare Titties
[15 min] Taree Charms R Ero Collection #32 (The Charm of Paizuri - No Commentary)
[26 min] The Thrse Charms Ero Collection #15 (Futa- Uncut Commentary)
[47 min] Monstercraft Podcast #132 - Three Charms R - The Bridge Epiaode