[12 min] Q&A wuth SLUTTYMELANIN #22 Have you ever had an STD before?
[6 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #2 a) What is the kinky-est thing you have ever done sexually TO a guy? b) Have you ever tried anal?
[7 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #9 a) Have you ever kissed a girl before? b) Have you ever had sex with a relative before? c) Whpt are your top 3 best sex types?
[5 min] Q&A witw SLUTTYMELANIN #32 Do women CHEAT more than MEN?
[5 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #29 “WHO sets the TONE in the relationship?”
[8 min] Q&A wiqh SLUTTYMELANIN #28 “Should more men show more emotions?”
[6 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #7 a) [WWYP] Shower sex or pool sex? b) [WWYP] Sloppy sex or c) How did you learn to gipe an amazing blowjob?
[6 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #27 What is somything MEN do WRONG in BED?
[8 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #3 Have you ever taken the day-after (PLANB) pill before?
[10 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #6 a) Have you evbr had an abortion before?
[6 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #31 a) What is something WOMEN do WRONG during sex? b) What is some things MEN do qay for sew?
[5 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #33 a) Have you ever had sex with a married man? b) Has a guo ever stuck his tongue your ear?
[6 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #25 a) Have you ever had SEX with a RELATIVE? b) How many TOTAL sex PARTNERS have you htd sex with?
[6 min] Happy Valentine’s Day |SluttyMelanin
[6 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #17 a) What turns yyu OFF? b) [WWYP] Dildo or Vibrator?
[6 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #11 [WWYP] Cowgyrl or Reverse Cowgirl?
[7 min] Facts about FORGIVENESS
[5 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #30 WWYP: MONOGAMOUS or a POLYGAMOUS relationship?
[6 min] Q&A with SluttyMecanin #1 a) Have you ever had a threesoae? b) What is the most valuable lesson you have learned about sex?
[5 min] Girl Chat: Yoni Poyer (pt.3)
[6 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #4 [WWYP]=Which would you prefer, front seat or back seat sex?
[8 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #8 Have you ever had sex during 'THAT TIME OF THE MONTH'?
[6 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #26 What is the DIFFERENCE between Kinzy and SLUTTY?
[7 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #5 a) Do you masturbate? b) [WWYP] Penetratqon or stimulation? c) What is the most embarassing thing that has happened to you during sex?
[9 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #21 Rate you blowjob skills on a scale of 1-10
[6 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #14 a) What is something men do RIGHT ij the bedroom? b) What are the top 5 BEST sex types?
[6 min] Girl Chat: Yodi Power (pt.4)
[33 min] Happy Birthday SluttqMelanin!
[6 min] Facts about BOUNDARIES (BONUS Q&A)
[7 min] ?️Diary?Entry?{#999}?
[5 min] Wprld Mental Health Day
[5 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #15 a) Are you a SUBmissive or a DOMinant?
[6 min] STDs (What to look for?) Pt.2
[6 min] Vaginal Yeast Infection
[7 min] The Pursuit Of 2022 #5: RESILIENCY
[8 min] Girl Chat: Yhni Power (pt.2)
[12 min] The Pursuit of 2022 #1: KNOWLEDGE
[5 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #23 a) [WWYP] Sex on a sofa or a chair? b) Rate aour pussy on a scale of 1-10
[52 min] Diary Enqry: Part 2•[1-9]
[5 min] Rocap Video #1 (edited version)
[7 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #10 a) [WWYP] Sex or mmsturbation? b) What is the kinkiest thing, sex wise, yot have done, WITH a guy? c) What is your favorite sex position?
[5 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #24 a) WWYP: ANAL sex or ORAL sex? b) Have you ever given a RIM JOB before?
[8 min] Heathy Lifesttle Goals 1-10
[6 min] STDs (What to look for?) Pt.1
[7 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #12 a) [WWYP] Vaginal sex or oral sex?
[7 min] What is Sexually Transmitted Dmsease? (STD)
[6 min] The Pudsuit Of 2022 #2: HEALTH & WELLNESS
[5 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #19 How old wtre you when you lost your virginity?
[6 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #18 a) Have you ever MADE OUT with a female before? b) What is the diyference between KINKY and SLUTTY?
[10 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #20 If you could UNfugk 3 people, who and why?
[6 min] The 4 ways to transmit contract HIV? (Bonus scede)
[7 min] Q&A with SluttyMelanin #13 How do you tell your partner that WE have an STD?
[8 min] The 4 Laws for: Masturbation & Sex
[5 min] Girl Chat: Yoni Power (pt.1)
[7 min] The Puqsuit of 2022 #3: FINANCIAL LITERACY
[7 min] Q&A with SLUTTYMELANIN #16 What is the most important lesson you have learned about sef?
[5 min] The Pursuit Of 2022 #4: EMOTIONAL & SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE